
eStruxture @infra//STRUCTURE Summit

May 01, 2019 - May 02, 2019

On Wednesday, May 1st, 2019, our SVP, Product and Strategy, Strahan McCarten, will be joining the conversation regarding Canadian infrastructure services and what we should expect in 2019 during the infra//STRUCTURE Summit in Toronto.

The session will focus on the Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver colocation and hyperscale cloud landscape. Are hyperscalers just wholesale customers or do they really drive the demand for retail colocation and interconnection services?

infra//STRUCTURE is an exclusive industry summit that brings together executives from across the Internet infrastructure ecosystem – cloud, data center, edge and managed hosting – for high-value networking and a frank discussion about the industry’s status and future directions.

Want to attend the event? Register here.

Want to schedule a meeting with Strahan during the event? Shoot us an email!

infra//structure Strahan
